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Join the Global Conversation

Give your students an opportunity to learn from their peers, ask questions, and share their stories. During these 60-minute live Zoom events, participants will meet their fellow Student to World global peers, discuss the topics they’re participating in, and dive into their action plans.

Trained youth facilitators will guide attendees in breakout rooms where they will be able to express themselves and have a live conversation. Youth participating in any Student to World topic are welcome to join!

A youth smiles at a videoconference on a desktop computer

Please note: Our live events are optional and we do our best to accommodate our diverse participants by scheduling dates on various days and times.  We are unable to schedule live events for one specific class at this time.

What to Expect During a Live Event

  • Throughout the event, attendees will have the opportunity to:
    • Engage in thought-provoking discussions.
    • Connect with peers from diverse backgrounds and cultures.
    • Share personal experiences, insights, and perspectives.
  • In each Live Event, there are 3 discussion rooms where your students will engage with their global peers.
  • Discussion rooms are designed to be safe spaces for youth to participate and share their ideas and thoughts with their global peers. 
  • Our team of facilitators will lead the discussions and foster a safe and open environment for youth to connect with their global peers.
A student in a plaid shirt working on a laptop

Student to World Live Conversation

A live discussion open to all Student to World participants worldwide.
October 3, 2024
8:00 am USA Eastern Time
Three University Charter School students sit on the floor with their laptop computers

Student to World Live Conversation

A live discussion open to all Student to World participants worldwide.
October 23, 2024
9:30 am USA Eastern Time
A youth wearing a backpack smiles into a mobile phone while sitting outdoors

Student to World Live Conversation

A live discussion open to all Student to World participants worldwide.
November 19, 2024
10:00 am USA Eastern Time
Four youths in coats sit outside a school looking at a mobile phone

Student to World Live Conversation

A live discussion open to all Student to World participants worldwide.
February 18, 2025
7:30 am USA Eastern Time
A group of students looking at their phones and tablets.

Student to World Live Conversation

A live discussion open to all Student to World participants worldwide.
March 6, 2025
10:00 am USA Eastern Time
Collage of diverse youth in an online event.

Student to World Live Conversation

A live discussion open to all Student to World participants worldwide.
April 16, 2025
8:00 am USA Eastern Time
A young child does sign language during a laptop video call

Student to World Live Conversation

A live discussion open to all Student to World participants worldwide.
May 6, 2025
9:00 am USA Eastern Time

What is my role as an Educator during a Live Event?

To ensure a valuable and student-focused experience, we kindly ask you to adhere to the following guidelines during the upcoming Live Event:

Observer Role: Educators are welcome to participate as observers in the event. We encourage you to take this opportunity to witness the enriching discussions and interactions among our youth participants. That said, if any of your students violate our community norms, we kindly request your assistance in reinforcing them.

Facilitator-Supported Conversations: Our trained and experienced facilitators will guide the conversations and create a safe space for youth to connect and share. Please allow our facilitators to support the discussions to maintain a youth-centric environment, as our courses are designed for youth, by youth. To ensure a youth-centered space, we kindly request that educators refrain from contributing their thoughts or opinions during discussions.

Technical Support: Please assist students with any technical difficulties they may encounter.

Microphone and Camera Use: Please keep your microphone on mute during the duration of the youth-centric conversations, unless you need to intervene to reinforce community norms. Educators can opt to have their cameras on or off, but we do encourage all youth participants to have their cameras on whenever possible. 

Attendee Behavior: Participants are expected to listen actively, be respectful in their communication, and share their perspectives thoughtfully.

Taking Photos and Videos: We kindly request that recording, taking photos, or screenshots during the session not be conducted. This ensures the privacy and comfort of all participants.

Sharing Feedback and Insights: We highly value your insights and feedback as educators. We invite you to engage with our dedicated Facilitator Community—an online platform designed for educators to share ideas, experiences, and feedback. Additionally, you can also share your thoughts and comments with your assigned Program Coordinator via email.